Interactive art week 7 Homework 2

For this homework assignment we had to think of an installation that would be achievable to create using the type of coding that we have learned in class, with this in mind my thoughts immediately went to the teamlab exhbition that I visited now over 2 years ago. Recently this 'movement' however also opened a location in Japan which has caught my interest. This is the link to their website:

About TeamLab

A quick read on thir website shows that it is their goal to use digital domain to expand the capacities of art. The people of TeamLab believe that by using technology art is no longer constricted within the constraints of having to be a static physical product but rather it is able to change, move independantly and evolve freely.

By using technology within art teamlab is no longer limited to just physical media, thanks to technology it is possible for artworks to expand on a physical level which allows for users to interact with the art and experience it directly.

Below I will post a few of my favorite examples from their exhibitions and I will go into detail for one of those.
This specific one is most one of my most favorite examples, it is a setup that changes for the time of day as well as the season and it interacts with people walking around the installation.

The next artwork is actually one that mesmerizes me the most, as described by teamlab themselves this artwork never shows the same image again and is endlessy influenced by human movements in the proximity of the art work, being really honest I can only guess how they constructed this artwork and it seems like an incredible amount of work from some brilliant minded people.

 First of all, it seems like the installation makes use of sensors that would be optimal for detecting human movements so I would either guess they used a proximity sensor or a movement sensor, however the artwork responds so specifically to the human movements and precice location of people that there must be some sort of way for the sensor to map the exact location of a person, that's why my guess is that they are using proximity sensors.

With this sensor combined there must be some sort of random function used as well which makes the artwork change as a result of the movements detected by the proximity sensor. So if movement A is detected the artwork alters according to that movement else if.... else if... etc.

The website from teamlap also states that not only according to the movements of people in front of a specific pillar but also according to the movements of people in front of other pillars the artwork can change.
For another example I wanted to just copy the describtion that TeamLab itself wrote as I wouldn't be able to do it any better, I also really liked this specific installation and I really liked the way it interacts with people.
"The lamps floating on the water’s surface are autonomous, shining brightly and then fading as if breathing.

When a person pushes a lamp so it bobs in the water, or when a person stands still nearby, the lamp  shines brightly and emits a color that resonates out. The light of that lamp is transmitted to other lamps. In the same way, a bright tone color sounds and propagates continuously through the other lamps. The transmitted light always travels through each of the lamps only once, shining brightly, as it propagates through all of the lamps. People become aware of the presence of others in the same space.

The light is transmitted in such a way that it travels from one lamp to the next nearest lamp, to the next nearest lamp. In other words, the light travels in a single stroke along the shortest route through all of the lamps only once.

The resonating lamps on the water’s surface change location moment by moment.
Because the total distance covered by the propagating light is the shortest possible, even if the same lamp starts to shine, the path of light changes every moment.

When the transmitted light meets with a light originating from a different starting point, the lamp where the two lights meet shines brightly for longer. People will surely feel the presence of others in the same space."

I will post some other examples but I could go on for hours about these installations because I think they are just so smartly designed and so beautiful.

This is the link to their page where you can watch all their installations with a detailed describtion, I could recommend having a look trough this to anyone who hasn't seen it before.
